Thenorthern forecourt of Berlin's main railway station has been an unsightlycorner for years. Planned as a temporary structure in 2006, it still cannotdeny this character today. The ongoing construction work on the S-Bahn line andthe still unfinished urban structure are also difficult framework conditions.In this situation, the Senate Department and Deutsche Bahn launched a landscapearchitecture competition to fundamentally renew the square and create ahigh-quality arrival point for the coming years. Our winning concept envisagescreating a spacious, uncluttered square as the "Entree Berlin", whichis functional but nevertheless develops its own atmosphere. Opposite thestation building, a transparent screen of tall trees is created, whichsimultaneously borders the area to Invalidenstrasse. Underneath, individuallyplaced seating furniture invites waiting travellers to take a short break. Theelongated roof structure on the east side creates a place for bicycles, amobility station and public toilets. The surfaces of the square will be madebarrier-free of polished asphalt, and the rainwater that falls will be used towater the trees.